Monday, October 3, 2011

The symbols of conflict

Lately I read some of Gustav Jung's books. He used to write a lot about the importance of archetypes and images for human beings. When we think about something or someone we have an image that comes to our mind.
Disputes, conflicts and misunderstandings are a part of everyday's life. Everybody has a general or specific image of conflict.
This image is different for everybody. So today I just wanted to put some pictures that represent conflict for me.

IMAGE 1:  Money/Wealth

Money seems to be always present directly or subtly in a conflict and influence it's outcome.

IMAGE 2: Perception/Perspective

What is normal, what is not and the perception of THE other.

IMAGE 3 : Skull

The ultimate price of a war and violent conflicts : death.

IMAGE 4: Words

The power of communication is key to solve a conflict

IMAGE 5: Blue sky

This image is powerful for me because it symbolizes hope and change that can occur from a conflict.

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